
Located at the southwestern tip of North Island, New Zealand’s capital city derives its character and charm from the wooded hills that curve like a green amphitheater around Wellington’s harbor. Commercial and government buildings rim the waterfront; nostalgic Victorian buildings mingle pleasantly with more modern structures and above the business district, dwellings precariously cling to steep slopes.

The city’s variable climate is generally free from extremes of heat and cold. Bracing winds that funnel through Cook Strait clear the air and add zest to daily life. Despite its steep hills, much of the city can be explored on foot, with stairways and walking paths climbing Wellington’s slopes. Bright red cable cars operate between Lambton Quay and Kelburn, offering magnificent views from the top. New Zealand’s versatile capital provides attractions ranging from historic manuscripts to an assortment of native plants and flowers and a collection of unusual instruments - in short, something for everyone.

  • Wellington, New Zealand